We are linking with Doodle Bugs Teaching this week.
Living on the island and close to the beach, we are blessed to host our families for several days. They wanted to go zip lining. I am so glad they are over 18 and I don't have to go any more!

I know many are watching the World Cup. And yes, even I am getting hooked. Guess I love competitions more than I thought! So yes, I just made a few activities and decorations if you are having friends over and need more for the children to do or if you are in summer school.
Our Snoopy bike rack came in for my husband's office building. We had seen a larger one on the back of a truck one night when we went out to eat. So we got the man's card and had him make a smaller version.
Yes, I enjoying reading Autumn's post better than mine. (I think all mother's enjoy their children's talents more than their own.)
But she is busy getting missy ready for the cruise! I would rather post than do Na's hair. (I can't do Na's hair.)
I read today is National Flip Flop Day! Good or bad for your feet, some of yes get thrown back to childhood with no cares, when we put them on! Enjoy your summer. We will be out of touch for a week unless, we figure out a cheap way to stay in touch this week.
So jealous of your upcoming cruise!! I went a couple of years ago and it was seriously the best vacation EVER! I know you'll have a blast!! That flip flop wreath is so adorable!!
A Tall Drink of Water
No idea today was flip flop day! I went zip lining last year in HawaiI, so much fun!
Literacy Spark