There are no Seattle Skittles available. I found some on eBay for a ridiculous price over $100. So I went through Skittles looking for blue and green ones. I found that the "Dessert Skittles" have them.
For those that do not keep up with football, the Seattle Seahawk's player, Marshawn Lynch, always eats Skittles during football games for energy.
I have made wrappers for both teams to go around Hershey's nuggets.
We have food flags ready to use where necessary.
I found an easy way to make football cookies.
Just take some Little Debbie's Oatmeal Creme Cookies and cut them to football shape. (Save cut off pieces for snacking.) Decorate the cookie using gel or white icing to look like a football.
It's Time for the Big Game & Some $1.00 Deals to Keep You in the Game
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.