Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday Fun

                        It seems like it has been a long week.
                   We are linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching.
We were so happy that Daddy got home from out of town business trip. Things are not the same with him gone!  So we had a happy fondue time with chocolate on marshmallows and bananas. Yum!!
My class has loved doing close reading activities and investigating Arctic Animals like the moose. 
We are under beginning to understand Alphabetical Order. 
Posted work in the hallway for siblings and parents to see.  Oops, I forgot to label with CCSS. Do you ever forgot those things?
 Nana is starting to plan her Super Bowl Party and has made
Our family is ready for the playoffs.  Nana made free graphing boards and is starting to plan her Super Bowl Party.  She has update both our Super Bowl ELA & Math Products.
For mom's Groundhog's Birthday, I am doing a Birthday Give Away. Check back in this weekend. I will get it up and posted this weekend. Mom loves parties, jewelry, and free things! Who doesn't? Be sure to be a part of this celebration. 
Also head over to Instagram for another chance to win. A different bracelet!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We were just talking this week about how close reading in kinder might be finding patterns like certain parts of speech or vocabulary words to match pictures in addition to what we do with read-alouds. Things we do as good readers that help us understand the structure and thus the message. You moose page looks like good material to find information and words on. We do our animal research later in the year but he made me want to do some now. : ) Totally agree with the Daddy comment for my kids love the evenings their Dad gets to be home.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Hi Jenn, Yes close reading is getting a big push in our district! You definitely could use a close read in that way! My kids love these! We did a polar express one in December and now we have done a polar bear and moose from my winter close reading set! Good luck. I would love to hear what you do with your close reading!!

  2. كثيراً ما يضيّع الإنسان الكثير من وقته في قراءة كتاب غير مفيد، أو قراءة كتاب صعب بينما هناك الأسهل، أو كتاب سطحي بينما هناك الأعمق.
    مدافن للبيع
    مقابر للبيع
    تحميل واتساب الذهبي
    تحميل واتساب الذهبي
    خبير سيو
    خبير سيو
