Wednesday, January 22, 2014

All this football & a Giveaway!!

Just so you know if you are a new followerer we are a football obsessed family! My hubby played in the NFL and my oldest son played in high school & college. The younger one in high school and hopefully college! Our nephew played and many of our friends! Also my mom (Nana & Poppy) have box seats for the Jaguars (don't mention their record) LOL All that being said we have been hard at work on our Super Bowl & football themed items in our TPT store!
Our Super Bowl ELA contains 6 literacy center activities as well as many ready to print pages!

Our Super Bowl Math contains 5 Math center Activities and many ready to print pages!

GO grab this freebie from our store! I use these in centers. The kiddos grab a laminated (or in a plastic sleeve) paper and a corresponding page to record on! I have also used as a whole group activity by projecting the graphing board on my screen then each student gets a recording sheet! This is a great way to use the first one as a demonstration!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to check back next Wednesday for WOW Wednesday! A new weekly linky party headed your way!!
Much Love Autumn & Ruth