Friday, October 14, 2016

Hurricane Matthew

Time to link up for 5 for Friday! I am actually reaching back to the last 8-9 days not just this week.

Our big news has been hurricane Matthew! Here were my preparations. My daughter said mentos were very important to have! And these are my new first pair of rain boots!
In St. Augustine FL we had the nor'easter move through and bring tons of rain before Matthew hit us. So knowing we would be stuck inside for awhile every time the rain stopped all the kids would run outside! Once we lost power my hubby cooked for us in the garage on the grill!

We were luckily spared any major damage. But our historic downtown area was hit really hard. This is a before and after picture of one of my favorite streets in town. Also my mom whom blogs here with me lives on Hilton Head. They are still right in the middle of clean up. She evacuated and was away from her house for a week. They were also very lucky and didn't sustain any major damage, but her community did! So please pray for all effected by Matthew!

In my attempt to reclaim normal I got on my elliptical on my lanai. Well I guess this little guy was taking refuge in my elliptical pedal.

After all the craziness and daddy working out of town for the night this is how I found the little one when I went to bed. She is all the way across the center. Anyone else let the littles sleep with them?

Just had to share this book. My daughter still loves it! A very dear friend bought it for her 2nd birthday and we still keep it in the regular rotation! If you don't have it go get it now!!

Hoping things can be calm and boring for awhile around here!

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