Saturday, August 9, 2014

Highs & Lows

I am linking up this week with my friend Julie! 
You have to go check out her post on her classroom it is SO cute!!!
My first high is an answered prayer! Due to a very long teenage driven story my son & I have been estranged(use to think that was a ridiculous word until I lived it) But I was able to see and hug him this week. After what was too long for any mom to go. We are now trying to get back on track! This is proof that prayers are answered on his time not my time!! Honestly with this high I couldn't ask for another thing all week.

Do any of the rest of you suffer from back to school depression? I have so much fun in the summer especially with my little miss! So I dread taking her back to daycare and returning to this piled up mess in my classroom!

Just look at that mess!! I will show you some pictures on Monday of some of the progress!! Go link up and check out everyone else's highs and lows!


  1. Awww Autumn, I got a bit teary eyed reading your post. I completely applaud your honesty and wish you all the very best!

    1. Thanks Julie! It has been a huge struggle for me! But must remember God is always in control!!

  2. What a handsome son you have! Teenagers are hard work, but you have to be strong and keep praying! Everything will work out in due time! My daughter and I went through some tough times, but hings are better know. She's 21! Totally agree with you about having so much fun with the little ones in the summer; it is hard to go back to work! Have a a great week!

    1. Thanks Monica!!! Yes teens are hard!! I am hoping we are on the up swing! Yes prayer has gotten me through this far!!
