Friday, August 8, 2014

5 For Friday Last Summer Post

We are linking up for our last Friday of the Summer!
We have had a really busy week! We had a bar-b-cue with friends & family! So glad I got to see my sweet niece! She was quite the karaoke star!
Then we went to the minor league T-bones game with our best friends!(They had free tickets for us WHoop!!!) 
This little lady went back to school Monday! She is in a new class! The 4 year old class! She was so excited to see her friends! 
 Then we had our last ballet class and swapped out for gymnastics which she is way more excited about!
Then the highlight of my week I got to see my boy! Too long of a story but many answered prayers! Which made that the best moment of my week! 

1 comment:

  1. Your little girl is precious, and she does seem WAY more excited about gymnastics than ballet! Thanks for sharing such nice pics :)

    Stop by and say hello sometime:

    Ventaneando: A Window Into First Grade Bilingüe
