Saturday, July 19, 2014

Kansas City Meet UP

So as most of you know mom & I blog together. She is a retired teacher and I am still in the classroom! She will be coming to Kansas City to visit soon & help me get my classroom ready. So while she is here we want to plan a meet up so we can reach out and meet some other area bloggers & teachers! We are planning for August 9th. Not yet sure on time or location. Thinking in the afternoon so as to miss the lunch rush! Please let us know if you would be available. You don't have to blog! Anyone that teaches or blogs or both is welcome to come.


  1. Replies
    1. Sarah are you close by? We are going to have the meet up August 9th!

  2. Hi! Thanks for your comment on my blog, and for reaching out to me! I am in the St. Louis area, and my August 9th weekend is booked already. I really want to be a part of a blogger meet up though, it sounds like so much fun!!

    Lacy's Letters

  3. Sounds like fun! Please keep us posted if it happens!

    1. It's going to happen! Are you close by? We would love to have you!
