Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Bucket List 10 things I want to do!

Here is a little peek at my Summer Bucket List! Hope you all have great plans for the summer too!!

1. Go to Yoga as much as possible! I love going to yoga and it is so hard to fit it into my schedule during the school year!I would prefer beach yoga but will settle for a class!

2. Organization! I want to spend some major time getting some closets and no longer needed baby clothes moved out and sold! I will not be sharing a picture of my closets or basement. But here is what I picture my little pink girls closet looking like!

3. Review my items in my TPT store so I can edit and use them!

4. For the first time we are going on a Caribbean cruise! We are all so excited. My daughter keeps saying is it time to go on the cruise? 

5. Go to my moms so we can spend some quality time (beach time) and Naomi can eat at the Bamboo & dance on the stage! Hopefully I'll get in that beach yoga too!

7. Spend some time at the zoo with some of our very best friends! We always have a great time with them at the zoo!

8. Relax!!! Relax!!! Relax!!!! I almost bought this chair at Sams club today!! Anyone have one?

9. Get all of my Jamberry organized! It started growing before I could get it organized. Need to work on my facebook party posts! 

10. Play Play & Play! The best part of summer is all the time I get to spend with this little cutie! 
So what are your summer plans? Don't forget to link up with Mrs. Jump's Class. 

Also don't forget to enter our rafflecopter giveaway!
Much Love Autumn & Ruth

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading your Top 10, thanks for sharing!!

