Friday, March 7, 2014

CYY 2014

So we are at Tan Tar a for the annual Conference on the Young years. My mom was a part of the planning committee for this conference in the 80's and 90's. When she left the state she was able to help me get on the planning committee. So I have been helping with the planning portion of the conference for the last 9 years. But this is the first year I decided to present.

So I am really nervous to present! But here goes!! Below I am including the link to my google docs where I included the power point of my presentation where I shared about starting a blog and how I use my blog for education. I am also including information on other social media that I use in the classroom. Enjoy! LOL Thanks for stopping!!
If you attended my session I would LOVE any feedback or just for you to say hello!!

Much Love Autumn & Ruth

1 comment:

  1. Hi there to my blogging buddy... aka "blogebrity!" I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. Check out my blog post to find your questions.
    Dirt Road Teacher
