Tuesday, February 18, 2014

WOW Wednesday Science/ Social Studies Edition

So this week's linky is all about Science and or Social Studies. This area is a bit harder for me because we have been pushed to push this to the side. You know concentrate on Math and ELA (the tested areas). Well now the science test is here so know we have to figure out how to include these again.

So I have been trying to work more on close reading with my kinders. One way this has been working for me is by using simple non fiction passages for the us to read and study. We also "annotate" the text. Which they love! So we have started using one of our Olympic Symbols Close reading passages. We used the passage about the Olympic Rings.

So this was just our first read then we completed the rings and flag paper. The kids loved seeing the flags and the colors matching the rings. Every nations flag has one of the ring colors in it.

They loved this!! So here it is as a freebie so you can enjoy too!!

Thanks so much for linking up! Please follow the rule of 3(or more) Go in and comment on a person or 2 before you and a person or 2 after so we can all get thoughtful feedback!!

Much Love Autumn & Ruth


  1. That is a very cute project and great freebie!

  2. Thanks for the comment. At times you wonder if anyone is reading or just looking at pictures. Thanks.

    1. lol I feel like I'm talking to myself most of the time on my blog!

  3. I love the flags!! Such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing!

    Sweet Sounds of Kindergarten
