Friday, February 28, 2014

Good Bye February

Friday is here again and February will be gone.

Funny they like to set computers on pillows that I had gotten for them to sit on. Go figure!
It is so nice that they can get ipad time, too. They are so comfortable with them and follow the rules-well most of the time.

They love this couch, but it is on its last leg. Not sure how to sew the seems back together. Hoping mom can do it when she comes.( shhhh, don't tell her.)
They love spinning and graphing still. The Olympics were great for us. Too bad we have to wait 4 more years.
It is never too late to make card to someone you love. This is one of the best times of the year because they can show their independence and are so comfortable with their skills.
Mom is on her way this weekend. We are hoping the snow stays light until she gets here. I told her to be sure to bring socks and real shoes- not just her crocs and Toms.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

WOW Wednesday: ANY idea!!!!

This should be an easy week to link up!! Link up ANY idea here! Great, brilliant idea, or just FUN!! Link up here!! Just to show you how easy this is here is a quick and simple share! We use 2 online products. We use RAZ Kids which is part of Reading A to Z. My kids are loving it! They are using our Ipads to read the books. I set their level. Then I require them to listen to the story, read the story, and take the quiz. They can also record themselves reading the story if they choose! You can use this on a computer also!
The other service we are using everyday is IXL. It is an awesome math site. I am able to set the level on this also. We use our laptops for this one. There is also an app, so you could use ipads for this too!
With both of these sites I can monitor progress of each student!
See EASY!! Share any idea you think someone else can use!!
Much Love Autumn & Ruth
Anyone else have a great online resource?? Let us know!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

February is Flying with the Olympics and Birthdays


Time is going too quickly for us, but we keep trying to keep up.  Mom and I were so busy we never reposted our Presidents' Day Items untill the night before. So it was greatly reduced to a dollar.
But we have had "Olympic Mania"(more mom than me).

Mom is so into it she bought me an Olympic shirt
to wear to school.

We had a great time coloring Olympic Rings by numbers. We found the colors of the flags matched the rings.
Our writing is improving.
Positives- We have a title, begin sentences with capital letters, used lowercase letters, spaces, and periods. Lots of ands, guess I need to mention commas.
Our family has numerous February birthdays. (Mom, Sister-in-law, husband)
So Wednesday night we met friends to celebrate hubby's birthday. 

But missy had the most fun using the chopsticks!!

The USA is ahead in the medals count for now, so we are going to continue to celebrate and hope there are no more snow days. Have you been struck with "Olympic Mania"?

Much Love,
Autumn and Ruth

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

WOW Wednesday Science/ Social Studies Edition

So this week's linky is all about Science and or Social Studies. This area is a bit harder for me because we have been pushed to push this to the side. You know concentrate on Math and ELA (the tested areas). Well now the science test is here so know we have to figure out how to include these again.

So I have been trying to work more on close reading with my kinders. One way this has been working for me is by using simple non fiction passages for the us to read and study. We also "annotate" the text. Which they love! So we have started using one of our Olympic Symbols Close reading passages. We used the passage about the Olympic Rings.

So this was just our first read then we completed the rings and flag paper. The kids loved seeing the flags and the colors matching the rings. Every nations flag has one of the ring colors in it.

They loved this!! So here it is as a freebie so you can enjoy too!!

Thanks so much for linking up! Please follow the rule of 3(or more) Go in and comment on a person or 2 before you and a person or 2 after so we can all get thoughtful feedback!!

Much Love Autumn & Ruth

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Manic Monday Freebie Linky
We are linking up this Monday with Classroom Freebies! Who doesn't love a freebie? Jump over and grab a load of freebies!!

Hope you all had a great weekend! We sure did! We got to celebrate Valentines Day, as well as our friends Anniversary & a Birthday! We tried a new Mexican spot that we had never been to and it was so good!! Then we went to see a movie!

Then Sunday as I was headed to get the weekly grocery shopping done.....I remembered I don't have school Monday!! WOOHOO!!! Anyone else forget that there is no school tomorrow? I do have to go get my teeth cleaned.

So many things to squeeze in this week. Still trying to work on Olympics and need to get in some Presidents Day stuff! We had updated and forgot to post it OOPS!! So here is a freebie apologize!! I use these activities in my math center. We like the non-standard measuring sticks. But you could use cubes, a ruler, anything to measure!

Measuring President Obama's Family

Much Love Autumn & Ruth

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

WOW Wednesday Math Addition

Hi Everyone How's your week going? I was out all week last week with snow & ice. It was GREAT. I love being home with my little miss! But this week we are back on track and working away! We got a new math series which for the most part I like. But as with anything there are always some gaps here and there! So I really try to supplement with centers as well as use the centers for reinforcement. I also absolutely love centers! I think it is such a great time of day for the kids. Finding fun activities that they can also learn from.
I always have a write the room with 10 frames in my math center activities
We have recently added an addition write the room!
And here is our measurement activity! They really love this!!! Sorry so short but this week is such a blur!! Oh and there was a lice outbreak in my little one's class so I had to wash and blow dry her hair(1st time blow drying)!!
So what are your great center activities? Or any other math activities?
Also check out another linky with the same name!!
Link Up!!
Much Love Autumn & Ruth

Sunday, February 9, 2014

British Invasion Celebration-Made it Monday

Also linking with Charity Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
50 years ago today, the Beatles were on Ed Sullivan. I did not get to see the show, I was at Sunday night church. But they played a large influence on my teen years. But children would tell you, we use to clean the house on Saturday mornings to Eleanor Rigby. They would hurry so they did not have to flip the LP over and keep cleaning with me.

On the island we have our own "Beagle's"  that play all Beatles' music. We go to see them most Friday nights. As regulars we all have fun. One group of friends print t-shirts and buttons celebrate and others carry their Beatles' purse and set up their favorite Paul trading card.
This past week I made a garland to hang from Ed Sullivan CBS posters and miniature Beatles' guitars. The craft I did not get finished till today.

I took colored t-shirts and basted ribbon on it too look similar to uniforms from Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Next I sewed the largest metal buttons I could find on the breast of  ribbons. I used ripped up t-shirt fabric and braided it to make uniform cords.

Hopefully my Beagles will find the t-shirts comfortable to wear when they are playing and we "come together".

What did you make this week?

Much Love Ruth & Autumn
Too keep up with the Olympics here is a quick freebie!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

5 for Friday Snow Week!! And Freebie! Or 2
Also linking with TBA for all these freebies!!
And Nancy for more Freebies!!! 
Some how I totally forgot today was Friday and it's time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for my random 5 pictures of my week! Well as my title indicates I have not had school all week! Ice Monday and then a huge snow storm hit us on Tuesday and dangerously low temps also for the rest of the week! So we have been home & playing all week! So you should know nothing in the following has anything to do with school!
We went to a Super Bowl party at a friends house on Sunday and they were trying to get sissy to say touchdown.
Then we got to spend a ton of time doing fun puzzles, coloring, and just playing!

Then the snow came!!! Oh boy did it come! And Come! And Come! We ended up with a foot of snow! This was the first time for sissy to snow!

Then Lexi got to come over and we had a ton of fun with her hanging out!!
Then on Thursday we finally left the house. So I was forced to put on real clothes and make up! But it was nice getting out of the house to have lunch!!
So as you can see we had a great snow week!!!
Much Love Autumn & Ruth