Thursday, January 30, 2014

5 for Super Bowl Friday

It's already Friday again! We have been getting ready for the super bowl this week in my class. Our centers have had a football theme as well as our writing and lots of our read alouds. I am pretty sure this group would be happy keeping a football theme for the rest of the year! Our home down Chiefs had a pretty good season so our area is a bit football obsessed. So here are our 5 for Friday pictures!
First this is our brainstorm list for our Football Acrostic Poem
This is a math center activity for them to work on measurement.
These sentence creator cards are a bit harder. But my higher kiddos that are reading really love them!
Here is the spot I was going to add a writing paper an ending sounds paper! But I was awaken at 3 am with a sick little one! So I won't be seeing school or those papers tomorrow.

What is the student favorite center in your class?

Check out our sale this weekend! (During half time of course!) here!

Check back next Wednesday to link up your best ELA activity!
Much Love Autumn & Ruth


  1. I found your blog through Five for Friday. Your football pack is super cute! I hope you enjoy the game this weekend!

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel

    1. Thanks for stopping by! We love football so I am sure it will be great!!

  2. I am absolutely loving the football items!
    I am your newest follower!
    Confessions of a 3rd Grade Teacher

    1. Hi Emily! Thanks for stopping by & the follow!!
