Friday, August 16, 2013

First Friday of the New School Year

Glad Friday is here to get refreshed for next week. I have a wonderful group of 18 students. They have enjoyed their first days of Kindergarten. So we are going to link up with Doodlebugs to share 5 things from the week!

1. I was proud to get my new Color Cats up that I designed myself.
    My old color posters were given to me by a teacher 10 years
   ago,when she retired from teaching. (Thanks Mrs. Carl.)
   The large size posters are in my TPT store and I am putting the
   small set in tonight!

2. We did a Cat Hunt through our building going to all the special
     places. And students completed their printable when we
     returned to our room. 

3. With our new Math adoption came many new manipulatives. We
    are using "My Math" anyone else??   Have any pointers?
4. Students enjoyed being able to control their own glue bottles.
    We discussed "Baby Kisses"  and "Papa Puddles".  When they 
    had a page full of "baby kisses", they got glitter on top.

5. Something special for the teacher!  I had press on nails
   (from  Walgreen's of course) for when there is no time
   for pedicures. My kiddos loved all the sparkle and learned
   quickly that they are bumpy!!
   LOL Only kinders will openly rub your big toe with no shame!!
I am super tired but had a great first week back! Hope you all had a great week too!!
Much Love,
Autumn & Ruth


  1. Only 18 kindergarten students?!! Total?!! Really?!! The only way we are able to reduce our class size is by splitting up our classes into AM and PM groups.
    There are 17 in the AM and 12 in the PM. Are you full day? Is that why you have such a small class size or are you just incredibly lucky?

    1. Man, technology...I meant to reply but instead made a new comment...So please read my reply below!

  2. Yes really! I guess a bit of all that! My district keeps our max class size at 24! But I know we are very lucky! My 2 partners are at 16 each...We usually have several late enrollers. But last year I was at 18 all year. Not the same 18. But never had more than 18 at a time! The other schools in my district are all at max and one school is over so they are working on fixing that! Oh and yes we are full day! Where do you teach? I'm in MO.

  3. Hmmm I don't know about only kinders rubbing your toe, I had a year 4 student (3rd grader) rub my leg last year and say "Miss E, your leg is prickly!!" HMMM haha
    The E-Z Class Follow on Bloglovin

    1. LOL really I was lol!!! I guess if the leg is there they will touch! And be bluntly honest!
