Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Ramblings.......Linky

WOW I should be incredible at this one! I love to ramble! Usually when my husband is watching the end of a game or a big sports announcement! This is like a free pass to share about all the junk you are pretty sure no one cares about except maybe some of you do care. I sure do like see you all ramble!! GO check out everyone's randomness over at Fabulous in First!!

Freezer cooking?? Do you do it? Have you tried? I am plotting and planning to give it a go. I think I have settled on a set of menus! They have gotten really good reviews and they are all set to go in the crockpot. I am hopeful this will be helpful when I go back to school to have a few quick meals!!

Birthday Party....
My daughter with be 3 at the beginning of September! She is in love with Doc McStuffins but also loves the farm. So what do we pick?? An at home party decked out with all the pink and purple and doctor stuff!!

Or a party at our local Children's Farmstead decked out with all the cow and pigs and bandanas you can see...

Okay those are the 2 random things on the tip of my brain....

Much Love Autumn & Ruth


  1. Hi girls,
    That farm party is just too cute, I love it...and who doesn't like to ramble right?!?!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. I think we decided to go ahead with the farm party!! And yes rambling is great! Love the spaghetti and meatballs idea!

  2. Hi! I just found your blog and it is adorable! I did a farm party for my daughter when she was little and had everybody draw her a farm picture that we collected and made into a book to keep. :) I remember buying a whole thing about once a month cooking- and I think I tried it for a while, but I wasn't good about keeping it up. I love the idea- sounds great. I am your newest follower! I'd love you to stop by my blog if you get a chance!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

    1. Thanks Carolyn!! That is a really cute idea! Once a month sounds overwhelming! But I am going to try to stock up some freezer meals to see if it helps my meal planning!!
      I'll head over to check it out!

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