Thursday, January 24, 2013

Random sharing!!!

So I am easily amused!! I also LOVE knee socks! I have to do recess duty on a hill in Missouri! It is cold and windy which creates my love of knee socks! Well now I have new socks which are awesome knee socks but also make me one of the cool girls, that appears to have fashion sense. If your waiting on the classroom info there is none here!! These are my key socks!
Can you see the sock???
TADA Here are the socks!!! Ok so I thought these were pretty neat then I showed some girls at school and they were as in love as I am so I thought it only right for me to share with all of you!
Is there any product or item that you think we should all know about? Please share, especially if it will make me one of the cool kids!!
Much Love, Autumn & Ruth

1 comment:

  1. Those socks are so funny! I love them, I think I need to buy a few pairs. They would make great gifts.

