Thursday, January 31, 2013

Football Freebie

Hi all almost time for the big game! I still have to be doing lots of shopping and cleaning to be ready! But I put this little freebie together to celebrate the upcoming Super Bowl! Hope you can use it! If you are looking for some other football things we have ELA & Math Units. My kids are loving the football theme in our class and centers!

Much Love,
Autumn & Ruth

I have linked up this freebie:
And at:

Friday, January 25, 2013

Writing Restart--Friday Recap

Soooo I have to make a huge and horrible confession......
I have not being doing a good job of teaching writing! In years past I have done a much better job of being consistent with teaching writing. This year I am a failure! (OK maybe a bit dramatic) But my schedule
got switched and things changed and there is so much to fit in a day.......(1st time you have heard that right?)

Well, I am making this my restart! We are focusing on Winter and winter activities. Since this is an easy topic for them right now I am doing my best to connect great read alouds and some fun videos
to get those creative juices flowing! We started with The Jacket I wear in the snow.

And here is our word list brainstorm!

Then the next day we focused on ice skating which none of my kiddos had ever been ice skating, so we went to You Tube to watch some videos of actual ice skaters! They loved that part! Here are a couple of samples of our ice skating stories along with our sentence ordering morning work! What is working for you as far as writing is concerned?

Any great tricks or ideas out there? Please share! Even if it seems obvious maybe it is a trick we forgot in that hat!

Hope you all had a great week!
Much Love, Autumn & Ruth

I have linked up over at Teaching Madness for her Friday Recap linky! Go check her out!


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Random sharing!!!

So I am easily amused!! I also LOVE knee socks! I have to do recess duty on a hill in Missouri! It is cold and windy which creates my love of knee socks! Well now I have new socks which are awesome knee socks but also make me one of the cool girls, that appears to have fashion sense. If your waiting on the classroom info there is none here!! These are my key socks!
Can you see the sock???
TADA Here are the socks!!! Ok so I thought these were pretty neat then I showed some girls at school and they were as in love as I am so I thought it only right for me to share with all of you!
Is there any product or item that you think we should all know about? Please share, especially if it will make me one of the cool kids!!
Much Love, Autumn & Ruth

Monday, January 21, 2013

Did MLK Change Your LIfe?

What a wonderful day. The sun was out and the temperature was nice on the island. I watched part of the MLK parade from Savannah on TV. It was great to see the world celebrating friendships and peace. It made me reflect on watching the nightly news in the 60's when my mom would turn it off, because she did not want us seeing all the cruelty in the world. We often just think about the race issues, but there were so many other issues. I am just now realizing how many changes occurred in my life time of education. It was fifth grade when my school became integrated. Schools also had no special needs classrooms. Parents or charities paid for special schools. All of these things were difficult for children to understand.  MLK, Jr. had a great influence on our education system with the War on Poverty.  We now have breakfast and lunches at school and even some after school programs. Teachers are a contribution to all these programs. Glad teachers continue to care about their student's quality of life.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


OK. That took awhile to do. Guess there are changes and I just keep stubbling around. So you never know what will come up with me. I finally got out and took pic of Oranges, but it took lots of investigating online to see how to get it posted. Apparently they are trying to make changes and it is not as easy for some of us to learn new ways. (Secret, I finally went to HTML and then I could upload photo like I used to do from computer.)
As the retired one, I have the time to watch nature and continue to be amazed. I have babied this plant for 5 or 6 years now. It is finally becoming an adult and producing. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.
I was hurrying to get this posted before the games all start. I know, I 'm weird. I like the football games, even if my teams are out. I remember playing Powder Puff Football in High School for a fundraiser or for some reason after the guys regular season was over. I was a "Nose Guard". Don't worry, we did not have on lingerie or play tackle. That would be disgusting now at my age.
Yes, strange the things we reflect on as we get older.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Where Are My Other Football Fans

Guess everyone is too busy with  Awards programs or getting ready for American Idol. But I am busy getting ready for our annual Super Bowl Party. I am getting invitations ready and starting to get out decorations and plan menus. I made new food flags after last weeks games and put together some graphing pages for Autumn's classroom. We have posted both in our Teacher's Pay Teachers store. I have loved using Mike's clipart from

Nana can't get the picture of student's work posted today, so Autumn will have to go in and edit for me. I have done it before, but not clicking today for me.

Guess I am just too excited about seeing my orange tree having tiny green oranges on it today. It is great to be retired and play in my yard on the East Coast. I will take pictures of it tomorrow.

PS Here are a couple of pictures of the graphs click on them to go directly to the graphs in our TPT store!!
You can also check out our entire Math Football unit!

We have linked up over at TBA for freebie Friday!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Who's Ready for Some FOOTBALL?

Here it is our football math unit in honor of the Super Bowl! We are still putting the finishing touches on the ELA football unit! But I just couldn't wait to share! Now I have to admit that mom did almost all the work on this one! I am so proud of all the technology she is using!

Also everyone should go check out a new clipart guy! He put together these mascot clip art pieces for us upon demand with barely anytime to waste! Check out Mike over at Cruchy with Ketchup!

Please leave us some feed back to let us know what to improve or what works well!

Much Love, Ruth & Autumn

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Football Fanatic!!

Okay I know there are a lot of ladies that are really football fans! But at my house I am pretty sure football comes right after God and right before family for my guys!(ok I'm a little dramatic) But you get the point! My hubby was a Hawkeye and played in the NFL! My boys have all played football! I am the mom that NEVER misses a game! We spend Thanksgiving wherever the Hawkeye/Husker game is that year! Oh & our nephew is the current quarterback at University of Illinois! And yes my TV is set so that ESPN is our default channel!

Ok now that I have blabbed on and on I am so excited because mom & I are currently reworking her original Super Bowl unit! This was the single unit that we sold way back last January! Then we dropped the ball and didn't get restarted until this past October! So here we go this is like our official RESTART, beginning, do over whatever you want to call it so we are working away to make it perfect! I was even able to land PERFECT clip art! Will be sharing soon!!! Check back!

Much Love,
Autumn & Ruth