Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Halloween!!!

I am so lucky this year! One of my kiddos has a super awesome God mother! She wants to be in charge of all of my parties!!! YEAH for me! She also came in to make applesauce! Not to mention she is constantly sending in cute little cut outs from her cricut!! So all that said here are a few pictures from our party decorations and the graphs we created to decide how our jack-o-lantern should look!
Finished Jack-o-lantern
The kids had so much fun! She also brought games! Pass the pumpkin(hot potato) and pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern. Oh and prizes!! I was also blessed with another family that took their afternoon break/lunch to come in and decorate and set up!! Lastly had to share a little picture of my own Ladybug leaving her daycare parade & party!!
Graph: eyes, nose, mouth
Juice box
My Ladybug

Hope everyone had a great Halloween! It was great for me since my Mom was visiting and helped in my classroom all week! But now she is gone and I am sad!! Miss her and hate that she lives far away!
Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through the November Currently and am your newest follower! Totally jealous that you have someone who WANTS to do all your parties...I have to usually beg people to help out! LOL Lucky you!!!

    Debbie :-)
    K is for Kinderrific
