Monday, June 1, 2015
Made It Monday- June 1
Linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for Made It Monday.
I always see the holiday decorations with painted blocks. I love these but never have time ahead to cut blocks, paint, and then decorate. So I have begun using my unit blocks to make holiday decorations for school and home.
I just measure the size I want to cover and then make a box to print and tape on the blocks. It is easy and quick. During the school year I have done clip art of children dressed for holidays just to add to the block area for play.
Hope you are off to a great start to your summer.
Don't forget you could win a FITBIT!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You have to go check out all of Farley's info on Wimberley and the devastation there!
Also don't forget to do the rafflecopter to win a fitbit!!
Friday, May 29, 2015
5 for Friday & A Free Fitbit
Schools out!!! I know I have been a gigantic slacker! Hope everyone else is done with school or on count down of single digits! This year is different from my last 11 years. I am taking next year off from teaching. Which is super scary and exciting. I will be staying home with my daughter! I will hopefully be able to blog and work on my teaching stuff more as well as do Jamberry which is what will be paying the bills around here! Hold on to the end of my post to see what we are GIVING AWAY!!! Yep you got it a fitbit!
The little lady on the left is my reason for the year off! She has this last year before kindergarten.
We has lots of fun last weekend! We had a softball tournament!
It was also Na's last day at daycare! We took bagels for the center and a spa gift card for the teacher!
We were blessed with family too! My step son is deploying to Qatar soon so they were able to come visit before that!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The little lady on the left is my reason for the year off! She has this last year before kindergarten.
We has lots of fun last weekend! We had a softball tournament!
It was also Na's last day at daycare! We took bagels for the center and a spa gift card for the teacher!
We were blessed with family too! My step son is deploying to Qatar soon so they were able to come visit before that!
And now the part you have held on for! We have been so blessed and plan to spend this summer getting in shape. So we thought we would share the blessings and giveaway a fitbit!
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Mother's Rock Giveaway!
So I have been a horrible blogger! But I am here with great news! I am giving away a Gift Set to one lucky single mom.
My mom is the best! We blog & have our TPT store together. She is my very best friend. I know it is partly because we have the same favorite topic to talk about which is my kids! It might also be because I know she loves me more than any other person on the planet ever could.
Well I was a single mom for many years and I know what a tough and thankless job that can be!
There were many years that there were no Mother's Day gifts. So I want to give this gift set to a single mom that deserves to be pampered. Head over to my FB page to let me know her story and why she deserves this gift set! Feel free to enter every single mom you know!
My mom is the best! We blog & have our TPT store together. She is my very best friend. I know it is partly because we have the same favorite topic to talk about which is my kids! It might also be because I know she loves me more than any other person on the planet ever could.
Well I was a single mom for many years and I know what a tough and thankless job that can be!
My kids! My hubby now makes up for any bad Mother's Day I ever had! |
There were many years that there were no Mother's Day gifts. So I want to give this gift set to a single mom that deserves to be pampered. Head over to my FB page to let me know her story and why she deserves this gift set! Feel free to enter every single mom you know!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
What Does One Do for Their Birthday
Yes, I had my birthday this past week, Feb. 2. That's right, Groundhog's Day. You can tell it is Ruth writing, because I use the largest font. I have made it 60 years now. I never thought I would die young, but never really thought about how I would be at 60. I am retired from teaching in the classroom, but stay busy keeping items in our TpT store with my daughter.
I do not believe that all of you young teachers ( yes, even those of you in your 40's and 50's) realize how you keep me wanting to know and understand. Technology has changed so quickly in my lifetime, that I can't keep up with it all. My daughter tries to keep me up to date, but many times, I just can't catch it all. I have trouble getting things linked in from photos; or still do not understand how to make the pinterest items with background with long background and our logo on it; and I certainly do not do most things quickly.
After being retired for over 4 years, I still have large tubs of Big Books from Scholastic and Wright Group that I purchased with my own money. The garage is still home to a large collection of seasonal books, rhythym instuments, blocks, Lincoln Logs, and VHS tapes. I almost all of my books on tape and made them into CDs for Autumn's class with labels that matched CD and book. And needless to say, she got more books than she has storage.
I do get tickled when I see things come around again, such as songs or rhymes. I spent much of my time wanting to learn the signs of different developmental stages and finding out the why's of behaviors. Teaching in Missouri gave me tons of "Show Me" experiences. I was active in NAEYC, Missouri's Parents As Teachers, Chapter 1 preK, Project Construct, STARR Program, MSTA, and NEA, and then South Carolina I.B Program.
The educators, college professors, national speakers, and authors that I have been able to meet and discuss issues is truly amazing. I once rescued an old collection of Dick and Jane book pages that are like big book card board pages with Think and Do workbook large cardboard pages in a basement that flooded frequently. This is the book I learned to read from in 1961. Once upon a time I had an iron legged bathtub painted yellow in my classroom.
Yes, I fondly remember ditto machines with blue ink that you had to crank yourself, therma fax machines that were so special to recreate workbook pages. And the first Polaroid cameras to use in the classroom. White chalk on blackboards, yellow chalk for greenboards, next wipeoff markers on whiteboards, and then Promethan boards with microphones on all day. I remember the smell of paste and students that would eat it. Glue bottles with yellow glue with red rubber tops. Stickers that you had to lick to stick. I am sure I will think of more things.
But I was wondering what to give to you for my birthday celebration. You tell me what you want from our store and I will mark it half price. But you have to let us know.
I do not believe that all of you young teachers ( yes, even those of you in your 40's and 50's) realize how you keep me wanting to know and understand. Technology has changed so quickly in my lifetime, that I can't keep up with it all. My daughter tries to keep me up to date, but many times, I just can't catch it all. I have trouble getting things linked in from photos; or still do not understand how to make the pinterest items with background with long background and our logo on it; and I certainly do not do most things quickly.
After being retired for over 4 years, I still have large tubs of Big Books from Scholastic and Wright Group that I purchased with my own money. The garage is still home to a large collection of seasonal books, rhythym instuments, blocks, Lincoln Logs, and VHS tapes. I almost all of my books on tape and made them into CDs for Autumn's class with labels that matched CD and book. And needless to say, she got more books than she has storage.
I do get tickled when I see things come around again, such as songs or rhymes. I spent much of my time wanting to learn the signs of different developmental stages and finding out the why's of behaviors. Teaching in Missouri gave me tons of "Show Me" experiences. I was active in NAEYC, Missouri's Parents As Teachers, Chapter 1 preK, Project Construct, STARR Program, MSTA, and NEA, and then South Carolina I.B Program.
The educators, college professors, national speakers, and authors that I have been able to meet and discuss issues is truly amazing. I once rescued an old collection of Dick and Jane book pages that are like big book card board pages with Think and Do workbook large cardboard pages in a basement that flooded frequently. This is the book I learned to read from in 1961. Once upon a time I had an iron legged bathtub painted yellow in my classroom.
Yes, I fondly remember ditto machines with blue ink that you had to crank yourself, therma fax machines that were so special to recreate workbook pages. And the first Polaroid cameras to use in the classroom. White chalk on blackboards, yellow chalk for greenboards, next wipeoff markers on whiteboards, and then Promethan boards with microphones on all day. I remember the smell of paste and students that would eat it. Glue bottles with yellow glue with red rubber tops. Stickers that you had to lick to stick. I am sure I will think of more things.
But I was wondering what to give to you for my birthday celebration. You tell me what you want from our store and I will mark it half price. But you have to let us know.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Super Bowl Weekend
It is the end of that time of year. The end of professional football season. Our family happens to like football. I grew up marching and cheering for football games. Lucky for me I married a collector of sports memorabilia and my daughter married a retired NFL player. Our families have many friends and love to get together to laugh and eat. So Autumn's classroom has been busy getting ready for the Super Bowl using themed items during reading, math, and center time. We update our packaged items for the Super Bowl each year.
There are no Seattle Skittles available. I found some on eBay for a ridiculous price over $100. So I went through Skittles looking for blue and green ones. I found that the "Dessert Skittles" have them.
For those that do not keep up with football, the Seattle Seahawk's player, Marshawn Lynch, always eats Skittles during football games for energy.
I have made wrappers for both teams to go around Hershey's nuggets.
We have food flags ready to use where necessary.
I found an easy way to make football cookies.
Just take some Little Debbie's Oatmeal Creme Cookies and cut them to football shape. (Save cut off pieces for snacking.) Decorate the cookie using gel or white icing to look like a football.
There are no Seattle Skittles available. I found some on eBay for a ridiculous price over $100. So I went through Skittles looking for blue and green ones. I found that the "Dessert Skittles" have them.
For those that do not keep up with football, the Seattle Seahawk's player, Marshawn Lynch, always eats Skittles during football games for energy.
I have made wrappers for both teams to go around Hershey's nuggets.
We have food flags ready to use where necessary.
I found an easy way to make football cookies.
Just take some Little Debbie's Oatmeal Creme Cookies and cut them to football shape. (Save cut off pieces for snacking.) Decorate the cookie using gel or white icing to look like a football.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
New Year
I am linking up with the ladies over at Primary Possibilities for a New Years linky!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I was sick the last week before break so I will have had 3 weeks away from my kiddos. So it will be a whole ordeal going back in to the classroom.
So I will be getting started with going over all of the expectations for the classroom and taking it slow. After this big break I feel like kinda of a reset needs to happen. So I am planning to spend a good amount of time repeating the normal things! Like lining up and sitting down. We will also be diving into our Arctic animals units! What are your have to do things for the new year after this break? To get you back in the flow myself and a few friends have put together a Rafflecopter that you can win a $50 gift card to TPT! So you can grab everything you need!
Check out all of theses featured products!!