Friday, May 29, 2015

5 for Friday & A Free Fitbit

Schools out!!! I know I have been a gigantic slacker! Hope everyone else is done with school or on count down of single digits! This year is different from my last 11 years. I am taking next year off from teaching. Which is super scary and exciting. I will be staying home with my daughter! I will hopefully be able to blog and work on my teaching stuff more as well as do Jamberry which is what will be paying the bills around here! Hold on to the end of my post to see what we are GIVING AWAY!!! Yep you got it a fitbit!
The little lady on the left is my reason for the year off! She has this last year before kindergarten.

We has lots of fun last weekend! We had a softball tournament!
It was also Na's last day at daycare! We took bagels for the center and a spa gift card for the teacher!
We were blessed with family too! My step son is deploying to Qatar soon so they were able to come visit before that! 

And now the part you have held on for! We have been so blessed and plan to spend this summer getting in shape. So we thought we would share the blessings and giveaway a fitbit! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway