Thursday, July 31, 2014

5 for Friday Summer is Ending

With our summer coming to an end here is a little peek at what all we have done this week!

After further research maybe not Air Force 1...Just an enormous plane at the airport at the same time the president was here.....?????

A few of my favorite things:Post It

Keep checking back! Big news Sunday!!!!

I love school supplies! I really love post it notes! I love them in all sizes & colors!

What are your favorite notes? Go check these girls & their favs!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

My turn:Tips & Tricks!

So my awesome Peeps have put me in charge of sharing something meaningful with you this week! 

My class loves center time so I wanted to share just a little about how we rotate centers. This year I am going to split up my literacy & math centers. So I am only going to share about my literacy center rotation today. I have 8 literacy centers. Each child gets to go to 2 centers for 20 minutes each while I am pulling groups.
I try to put a higher student or 2 with a lower student. That way if they need help there is usually someone there to help. Also when I pull groups according to reading levels there are still children in the center. I take their pictures on day 1 and print them to use for center groupings. The pictures are put up with sticky tack. So if we need a group swap it's easy to move them.
The centers in the middle are on velcro. That way each morning I take the bottom center off and move all the centers down one spot then the groups get 2 new centers each day. How do you swap your centers around?
Click below to go grab my center sign freebies.

Don't forget to check back next week for a tip from one of my Peeps! 

MIM: Crafty & Freebie

So mom(Nana) has the cool crafts this week for Made it Monday!
First she found this hanging hook strip at the resale shop for $1. So of course she grabbed it and text me how should she paint it? Well I said zebra, I didn't think this would happen! With a little pinterest help she made it happen!

Then she saw an idea for these folders. Here are her steps:
Needed- Pocket folder with prongs, pocket folder without prongs, hole puncher, scissors.
1.  One folder with prongs, one folder with out prongs.
2.  Fold folder without prongs, inside out.
3.  Mark and punch holes, so that, the folder can be placed in
     pronged folder.
    (Make holes as close to edges, in order to have enough
     room for papers to fit in pockets.)
4.  The top of my divider folders stuck up above pronged 
     folder, so I cut it to be even.
Then she found these super cute pencil eraser toppers. So she painted some dowel rods and hot glued the erasers on the ends.
Then Poppy decided to present how to best cut a watermelon! Keep the rind and cut away!

We are going to link up for Manic Monday! Go check out all the freebies!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Five for Friday!!

Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching.

 1. My very best friend from the time I was 12 until today came in town to see her new nephew. So we got to hang with her for the afternoon!

 2. On Sunday we had Park Church. We had our whole service in the park and then had a pot luck lunch. Na said this is what church should be every week!
 3. Got in a little pool time with these 2 cuties. 

 4. I was able to get my Kansas City Chiefs exclusive wraps finished!

5. These 2 sent me a selfie from their date night! I am so lucky that the hubby takes her on dates so she sees what a gentleman is!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Planner For Made it Monday

So it is Monday and we are linking up with Tara!! This week I actually have a getting ready for school post! Yeah ME!!! I have several super creative bunch of friends! My awesome friend Missy created all of these awesome planners! You should go check out her blog! 
I picked the black and white set! Saves on ink & my classroom has mainly black & white! I started printing our her pages which have everything! Lesson planning pages, schedules, calendars, volunteer info(deep), password organizers, and so much more!
 I know I saw that a friend of ours had hers sent to Staples and had them print and bind it. I like my 3 ring binder so a few of the pages I will laminate and then all will be 3 hole punched and added to my binder! But as you can see my ink was not the best so I had to share what I had started! Here are a few of the other designs that Missy has made!
Lemonade Stand
Those are just a few of her designs! Everything you could need for the year is right in there!
I am absolutely thrilled with my planner!

Make sure you go check out all the awesome ideas over at Made it Monday! 

PS I just finished up my Squirrel Close Reading! My daughter is loving the "drey" (squirrel nest) in the tree in our back yard so I thought perfect timing for some non fiction writing on squirrels. 

Tips & Tricks!!

So this week you will not want to miss this! We all want the school year to start off with a super positive vibe! Well my awesome friend Marissa has made sure to get your year started right!
So head over to her blog to grab this awesome freebie to get your year started right!!

 With all these awesome posts you want to make sure you don't miss a week! 
Also let me know if you are local and would be able to attend the meet up August 9th in Kansas City!!